Children’s Orthodontics

Children Orthodontics / Myofunctional Orthodontics

The Myobrace System is a no braces approach to straight teeth and correct jaw development

The Myobrace System™ is based on over 20 years of experience in correcting orthodontic problems without the need for braces and is successfully used by Orthodontists and Dentists in more than 100 countries throughout the world.

The Myobrace appliances have a proven dual function of correcting the oral habits that cause poor dental and facial development (myofunctional habits), whilst also providing light forces to align the teeth into their natural position.


What Myobrace® treatment does

  • Corrects poor oral habits
  • Develops & aligns the jaws
  • Straightens the teeth
  • Optimises facial development
  • Improves overall health
  • Promotes healthy eating habits


How does it do this? By helping the child:

  • Breathe through the nose
  • Correct tongue resting position
  • Swallow correctly
  • Keep the lips together
Childrens Orthodontics - Myo Brace

Myobrace System Overview


  1. The Myobrace Appliance

The use of the appliance keeps the muscles of the tongue, lips and cheek balanced as it guides the jaw to develop naturally allowing for all teeth to erupt as nature intended

Myobrace works best for patients who are still growing, around the ages of five to ten. Effective treatment can be done outside of these ages, but habits become harder to correct in older patients.


  1. The Myobrace Activities App

The activities app helps your child re-train their tongue and facial muscles to perform functions like breathing, eating & swallowing correctly through a series of simple fun exercises.


  1. Nutrition and the Myobrace System

Sugar and processed foods negatively affect a child’s overall health. A good fibrous diet is constantly re-inforced to prevent tooth decay and improve optimum jaw development.

This is even more important today where we have tooth decay on the rise due to the high level of added sugar in processed foods and the high level of consumption of empty foods. To get the best results from Myobrace® treatment, it is best to adopt a healthy diet.


  1. Regular visits with the treating Dental Practitioner

Regular Checkups with your dental practitioner  to ensure that treatment is going as intended.  The dental team will check and record the following

  • Examine changes in growth and development
  • Look for signs of habit correction
  • Condition of teeth and oral health.
  • Access progress of activities



If your child shows signs of poor oral habits, developing crooked teeth
and might require braces.


Contact us for more information. 

Book your appointment online
or call us on 021 883 2679

You can book most treatments using our online booking platform.

Should you require more information, or wish to book over the phone, please feel free to call us on 021 883 2679 during normal opening hours.